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In addition to its core and stakeholder partners, the project will appoint a Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee membership will be drawn from expertise across the regions and will endeavour to meet twice per year during the lifetime of the project.

The main objective of the Steering Committee is to provide information and advice to the Management Board for SPIRE 2 across the following criteria:

  • Provide advice on appropriate developments to shape future SPIRE 2 approach; have direct input into the ‘direction of travel’ of the project
  • Monitor progress and ensure that the project timelines are met
  • Provide legislative, technical, regulatory, institutional and economic expertise
  • Advise on policy, technology and other developments during the life of the project, and their implications including information about storage developments in other jurisdictions that may impact the region
  • Assist with the communication plan, and the dissemination and exploitation of project results, And, raise awareness of the project at the highest levels
  • Supporting policy development
  • Identify potential commercialisation opportunities
  • Other deliverables that may be requested by the Board to ensure the smooth running of the project (eg presentations to the Management Board, briefings on new developments in the sector etc)

Members to be appointed.