Accident Reporting and Investigation | June 2014 | Geoff Gillan | No |
Asbestos Management Plan | February 2020 | James Fenton | No |
Children on University Premises | June 2014 | James Fenton | No |
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health | February 2011 | James Fenton | No |
Corporate Event Planning | May 2016 | James Fenton | No |
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations Procedure | May 2021 | James Fenton | Yes |
Display Screen Equipment | May 2023 | James Fenton | Yes |
Emergency Special Leave Policy | August 2021 | | No |
Employee Wellbeing Strategy | September 2019 | | Yes |
Exposure to Blood Borne Virus | June 2014 | Claire Anderson | No |
Fieldwork | March 2022 | James Fenton | No |
Fire and Emergency Procedures | May 2021 | James Fenton | No |
First Aid Provision | February 2024 | James Fenton | Yes |
Health & Safety Training | February 2015 | Geoff Gillan | No |
Health & Wellbeing - Stress Management Policy | February 2011 | | No |
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy | December 2021 | Geoff Gillan | Yes |
Ill Health Capability Procedure | August 2021 | | No |
Infection Control | May 2016 | Claire Anderson | No |
Ionising Radiation | February 2014 | James Fenton | No |
Major Incident Management Plan | January 2011 | James Fenton | No |
Management & Control of Contractors | May 2011 | James Fenton | No |
Manual Handling | May 2021 | James Fenton | No |
Menopause Policy | May 2022 | | No |
Noise at Work | May 2021 | James Fenton | No |
Operation of Fork Lift Trucks | May 2018 | James Fenton | No |
Personal Protective Equipment | May 2018 | James Fenton | No |
Portable Appliance Testing | February 2015 | James Fenton | No |
Pressure Systems | May 2011 | James Fenton | No |
Purchasing | May 2011 | James Fenton | No |
Restriction of Smoking & E-Cigarette Use | May 2017 | James Fenton | No |
Risk Assessment | June 2017 | Geoff Gillan | No |
Sickness Absence Policy | October 2022 | | No |
Student Placements | September 2017 | James Fenton | No |
Supervison of Students | May 2016 | James Fenton | No |
Work Equipment | June 2014 | James Fenton | No |
Working at Height | May 2021 | James Fenton | No |
Workplace Monitoring | February 2012 | James Fenton | No |