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WE-Bridge-Program Mission

To bridge the gender gap in the field of electronic engineering by early intervention, leading to an engineering world with higher representation of women.


The enrolment of female students in Electronics Engineering in Ulster University is very low ranging from 0 to 11% in the past five years. In the past decade, several successful initiatives such as “Girls in STEM” have been taken to reduce the gender disparity in engineering, but electronic engineering lags other engineering disciplines when compared on gender grounds.

The number of women taking STEM courses is slowly increasing around the world. However, there is still a need to accelerate this further. Figure below shows the vicious cycle that is formed due to the unconscious bias that electronics engineering is only for males.

Vicious cycle hindering change

Students’ biases and perceived barriers leads to reduced number of students opting subjects like physics, electronics and digital technology closing the pathways for students to join Electronics Engineering courses.

This leads to shortage of workforce and hence indirectly affects economic and industrial development.

The vicious circle created inherently reduces the number of students opting to take science subjects. This has a huge impact on the workforce in industry and also on the qualified teachers. This vicious circle also creates a lack of role-models required for inspiring students. Breaking the cycle is essential for having a positive impact on economic and industrial development.


Results Announcement

WE-BRIDGE@UU - Prize Winners - Survey and Essay Competition (Round 1)
The WE-BRIDGE@UU team is pleased to announce that the following prizes have been awarded to pupils who responded to the survey and essay competition in Autumn 2024.  Congratulations to all the prize winners!
Essay Competition Prize Winners (each winner receives a £50 digital gift card)
  • Year 8 pupil, Loreto Grammar School, Omagh
  • Year 9 pupil, Victoria College
  • Year 11 pupil, Ballycastle High School
  • Year 11 pupil, Loreto Grammar School, Omagh
Survey Prize Winners (each winner receives a £20 digital gift card)
  • Year 11 pupil, Cross & Passion College
  • Year 11 pupil, St Patrick's College, Dungannon
  • Year 11 pupil, St Patrick's College, Dungannon

RAEng. WE-Bridge Women in Stem Talks

Dr Min Jing Healthcare Data Analytics


WE-Bridge-Program@UU is funded by Royal Academy of Engineering Diversity Impact Programme.

Further information

For more information please contact the School of Engineering: