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The reality is that most applicants don't take enough care and attention when writing a job application.


Take some time to prepare as this will make the task much easier.

Gather together all the information that you'll need - for example, details of your academic achievements, employment history and contact information for your referees.

Set out all of the criteria that you have to ensure you meet and draft how you meet each with examples and evidence using strong, positive language using action verbs to demonstrate your achievements


Research the company to gain an understanding of what they do, the sector they operate in and their main competitors.

Study the job description so that when you complete the application form you can refer back to the specific skills and qualities that the employer is looking for.

Read the instructions

Read the instructions carefully to ensure that you complete the correct sections of the form and know when the deadline is.

Proof read your application

Get at least 2 other people to read your answers and address any mistakes and use feedback to improve your application.

Our Career Development team can provide feedback on any applications you are planning to submit.

Check out Prospects for more guidance on how to write a successful job application.

Keep a copy for reference

Ensure you save a copy of your application form that you have submitted. Not all online systems will allow you to access your form after the closing date. Your application form will be the basis of your interview preparation for the next stage of the recruitment process so you must have a copy to refer to.