Professor Dewar Finlay

Head of School of Engineering

School of Engineering

Belfast campus

Room BC-04-213,
2-24 York Street,
BT15 1AP,

Engineering Research

Head of School of Engineering

Professor Dewar Finlay


Dewar Finlay is a Professor of Electronic Systems and is the Head of the School of Engineering at Ulster. He has previously served as Research Director for the School of Engineering and Interim Associate Dean for Research & Impact within the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment.

Dewar’s main area of research interest is in healthcare technology. In particular he is interested in the application of technology in cardiovascular medicine with a particular focus on computerised ECG analysis. He has secured funding to support this research from a number of funding bodies that include: EU (H.2020), RCUK, DEL, InvestNI, HEA. Dewar has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Computing in Cardiology Inc and the International Society for Computerised Electrocardiology. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Electrocardiology and Nature Digital medicine.

He holds a BEng Degree in Electronic Systems and a PhD in Computing – both from Ulster. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His main areas of teaching are in digital signal processing and engineering computing. He previously served as Course Director for Ulster’s postgraduate Health Informatics programmes.

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