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This seminar is hosted by Conflict TextilesTrust in collaboration with INCORE, TJI and the John Hume & Thomas P. O'Neill Chair in Peace at Ulster University.
It will feature inputs and reflections from
Professor Cath Collins (Ulster University)
Dr Lauren Dempster (School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast) on efforts to recover the disappeared in Chile and Northern Ireland respectively.
Dr Nisan Alici (School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast) will present on the experience of the Saturday Mothers/People campaign in Turkey.
Seminar details: 3pm – 4.30pm,
Wednesday 25th October 2023,
Room BC-05-303, Belfast Campus, UU.
The exhibition launch takes place immediately after the seminar at 4.30pm, Belfast Campus library. Further details will be uploaded in the coming weeks.
Commissioned by:
Conflict Textiles Trust and Ulster University- 25th October
Roberta Bacic and Conflict Textiles team
Conflict Textiles Trust and Ulster University
Photo credit: 'Nuestros/as desaparecidos/as / Our Disappeared', by Violeta Morales. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)”
Belfast Campus
2-24 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1AP
Event info
This event has ended
Wednesday 25 October
3pm to 4.30pm