
Workshops and work experience

UU technicians in a range of subject areas regularly share their expertise to inspire young people through campus visits, workshops, and managed work experience.

Together with academic colleagues, technicians bring to life specialist equipment to show what’s possible and uncover the techniques, tools and testing that informs active student learning at Ulster University.

Creative industries

As the 2022/23 academic year was wrapping up, within Schools Outreach, school pupils enjoyed exploring Interactive Media, with the use of technology in film and audio in the broadcast studio at Coleraine campus.

The creative industries were also the focus of a three-day work experience programme for year 13 pupils from Boys Model school, in Silversmithing at Belfast School of Art.


On the Derry~Londonderry campus, life and health sciences technicians managed the setup of the medical labs and equipment for a one-day workshop Men in Nursing, showcasing men following careers in nursing.

As the 2023/24 academic year got underway, the School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Science at Coleraine hosted an interactive schools outreach event with Year 13 pupils from North Coast Integrated College.

Technician Dr Nermeen Ali explored the ever-changing world of pharmacy and provided visiting pupils with the opportunity to take part in hands-on experiments in the specialist labs on campus.