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This event in association with BITC (Business in the Community) takes place at Magee (MI022) on 26 February 12.30pm to 2pm. It focuses on providing information and support around the menopause plus the opportunity to ask specific questions. The agenda is as follows:

12.30pm – 12.50pm Specialist Menopause Nurse delivering talk on physical effect and medical options to support menopause.

12.50pm - 1.10pm Dr Liz Simpson delivering talk on bio/psycho/social impact of menopause.

1.10pm – 1.30pm Sonia Sleavin delivering talk on the effects of alcohol and benefits of reduction of alcohol on the menopause.

1.30pm – 1.50pm Psychoanalyst (Hugh Quigley) delivering session on controlling the effect of menopause via various techniques, with short mindfulness session.

1.50pm – 2pm Q&A session. This may run beyond 2pm depending on questions.

Tea/coffee and scones will be provided.

Event info

This event has ended

Wednesday 26 February

12.30pm to 2pm


Wo/men's Network at Ulster