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Telling our stories is one of the most powerful ways that we can connect with others. Through sharing experiences that have impacted us (both good and bad), we can inspire others and encourage them to take ownership of and action in relation to their own story. Liz Doherty (Lecturer in Traditional Music) will share her story with the Wo/Men's Network and challenge us to think about the importance of our stories. There will be opportunity for questions!

Liz has been recognised this year as a National Teaching Fellow by Advance HE. Liz is an internationally renowned performer with extensive experience in guiding national policy in traditional music. Since her appointment in 2007, Liz has used her sectoral leadership to spearhead the teaching of traditional music at Ulster. She has led the development of a community of learning in traditional music, extending the student learning experience beyond the classroom.

Event info

This event has ended

Tuesday 5 November

12pm to 1pm


Wo/Men's Network at Ulster