In May we are putting our health research under the microscope, highlighting our researchers who are transforming healthcare for both patients and professionals.

Dr. Nazia Chaudhuri
Improving the treatment of Lung Fibrosis
Lung fibrosis is a devastating condition with poor survival. Dr. Nazia Chaudhuri is leading research to find better drugs that improve the lives of our patients.
"My work involves the research and delivery of novel drugs to treat lung fibrosis. I am leading the delivery of the first clinical trials in NI in pulmonary fibrosis and collaborating with colleagues on the translational aspects of the pathogenesis."

Prof. George Kerohan
Optimising Healthcare Delivery
Prof. George Kerohan's focus is improving the lives of people in need of support. Using Hodges’ Health Career Model, he is optimising healthcare delivery, promoting well-being, and patient-first care.
"Hodges' Health Career Model offers a holistic framework for understanding healthcare professions, emphasising diverse dimensions like biological, social, and personal elements. Its integration could enhance healthcare education, improve collaboration, and foster patient-centered care."

Dr. Catherine Hughes
The Importance of Nutrition
A recent winner of the Ulster University Distinguished Research Award, Dr. Catherine Hughes’s research, is focused on how nutrition affects us as we age both mentally and physically
"My research focuses on the impacts of nutrition in healthy ageing and the prevention of chronic disease. In the TUDA Study, this has led to the development of evidence-based public health policy aimed at promoting healthier ageing through improved nutrition and lifestyle."

Avneet Gill
Equipping Radiographers with the Right Tools for Diagnosis
Avneet Gill is a PhD Researcher and Diagnostic Radiographer with a strong interest in imaging research and Artificial Intelligence. Avneet is standardising equipment interfaces for practitioners.
"My research looks into imaging professionals' preference of radiological imaging artificial intelligence (AI), as currently there is no standardisation of display. This has potential impact to change the way manufacturers design their user interfaces for AI for end users, such as radiographers."

Dr. Lesley-Anne Henry
Antenatal Factors and Congenital Heart Disease
Lesley-Anne's focus is on maternal nutrition, antenatal risk factors, and their effect on child health. She is currently applying these to an investigation into their impact on children born with Congenital Heart Disease.
"Following the NI BabyHearts Study, BabyHearts 2 investigates how common antenatal exposures impact the health, neurodevelopment, and academic achievement of BabyHearts children (aged 6-9y). Findings will guide clinical, service, and policy decisions."

Prof. Kathryn Saunders
Supporting Practitioners to Treat Myopia
Prof. Kathryn Saunders is tackling Myopia, a progressive eye condition increasingly seen in UK children, by supporting clinicians to deliver the best possible eye care.
"My research has shown a significant increase in myopia in UK children in the past 50 years. Our team has developed and launched a myopia risk stratification and management tool to support professionals to deliver evidence-based eyecare in this important new area of clinical practice."