Distinguished Education Excellence Awards
About the Distinguished Education Excellence Awards
The purpose of the Distinguished Education Excellence Awards is to recognise, reward and celebrate colleagues who demonstrate teaching and learner support excellence and to create a proactive learning community within Ulster where excellent practice can influence wider enhancement.
The Award Recipients will have demonstrated excellence directly related to Ulster learning and teaching priorities. Details for the Distinguished Education Excellence Awards are available by clicking on each Award category below. You will also be able to find out more about previous Award Winners for each category.
The Awards process for 2025 is now open with a submission deadline of January 10th, 2025 at noon.
All guidance, templates and submission Dropboxes for the awards are available on Blackboard Learn - all Ulster staff have access to the Distinguished Education Excellence Awards BBL Area where the Award Template and submission drop box for each Award category can be found.
For further information please contact Richard Beggs: rtg.beggs@ulster.ac.uk or Dr Sarah Floyd: s.floyd@ulster.ac.uk
Further Information

Early Career Educator Award
The Early Career Educator Award is awarded to individuals who have been teaching/supporting learning in HE for five years or...

Distinguished Learner Support Excellence Fellowship
The Distinguished Learner Support Excellence Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have a track record of supporting learning in HE...

Distinguished Education Excellence Fellowship
The Distinguished Education Excellence Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have been teaching/supporting learning in HE for more than four...

Senior Distinguished Education Excellence Fellowship
The Senior Distinguished Education Excellence Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have been teaching/supporting learning in HE for more than...

Distinguished Collaborative Education Excellence Fellowship
The Distinguished Collaborative Education Excellence Fellowship is awarded to teams who have a track record of supporting learning in HE....

Professional Practice Commendation
The Professional Practice Innovation Commendation is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated an approach that has had excellent impact on...