Suzanne McFetridge - Virginia Wesleyan University, Virginia, USA
Written by Suzanne McFetridge, International Hospitality Management BSc, Placement Year, 2021/2022.

Written by Suzanne McFetridge, International Hospitality Management BSc, Placement Year, 2021/2022.
I think this experience has just been one memorable moment and would be one of the best years of my life so far! At VWU I learned so much, whether that be culturally, playing Division 3 Field Hockey, or even tips and tricks to making travelling more affordable and fun! I have made so many friends from all over the world and broadened my connections globally as well!
As soon as I landed and walked out of the airport in Norfolk, Virginia, the heat was unbelievable.
I had dressed for Northern Irish weather and having to sit in a van for 20 mins in leggings, a fleece and hoodie, in the sweltering heat was a sort of welcome to Virginia moment.
The campus at Virginia Wesleyan University is very picturesque and it was like something you would only see in movies. Closed-campuses and living on campus are things that I have never experienced before, but I have really enjoyed living on campus and having at most, a 5 minute walk to all of my classes.
This is very different for me because back home I drive 30 mins to get University.
Most aspects of the American college experience are different to the ones I have experienced at Ulster University, such as having a roommate. I have loved being on a smaller American University Campus because I have so many friends from all over campus. There wasn't one time where I walk to class and don't know someone to say 'Hello!' to. I made such good friends that I have planned to go to visit soon! .
Before I got to VWU I was apprehensive about having a roommate having heard stories from others. I ended up instantly hit it off with my roommate once we met and she has become one of my best friends and I will miss her very much when I leave.
Over the whole year abroad I travelled to approximately 12 states! I travelled across Virginia and Maryland for field hockey games, I went to Ohio for thanksgiving to stay with friends, I rented a car with a couple of friends and went to North Carolina. Before heading home for Christmas I went to New York for one week with 2 of my international friends!
I has lots of opportunities to travel around America and over the whole year I travelled to 12 states. I travelled across Virginia and Maryland for field hockey games, I went to Ohio for thanksgiving to stay with friends, I then rented a car with a couple of friends and went to North Carolina. I also got to travel to Miami, Florida, Washington DC and finished the year by working in Disney World for the summer before finally heading home.
One of the challenges I faced while at VWU was that I didn't have a car. I felt bad for having to ask others for a ride to the store or the bank. I spoke to my international adviser about this and she ended up arranging a weekly store run on Wednesdays at 7pm.
The store shuttle took us to either Target or Walmart and I was able to get everything I needed.
My advice to students who are considering studying abroad is to not let anybody stop you from travelling or put doubts in your mind about the experience you'll have.
I have learned so much, whether that be culturally or even tips and tricks to making travelling more affordable and fun. I have made so many friends from all over the world and broadened my global connections.
Lastly, emerge yourself in the American college atmosphere and seize every opportunity offered to you!