Kiall Carmichael - Experience China, Huangshi, China

Written by Kiall Carmichael, BSc Technology with Design, Experience China, 2023.

24 Jul 2023   4 min read

Kiall Carmichael - Experience China, Huangshi, China

Experience China, 2023

“My time abroad in China was an eye-opening adventure filled with rich cultural experiences, unforgettable friendships, and a deeper appreciation for the country's history and traditions.”

Memorable moments

The two most memorable moments for me were when we visited The Three Gorges Dam and The Great Wall of China. My time at the Three Gorges Dam was awe-inspiring. The sheer scale and engineering marvel left me amazed and humbled. I learned about its history, construction, and significance in flood control, power generation, and navigation. Walking along the dam's promenade, I felt the immense power of the rushing water.

The panoramic views showcased China's natural beauty. Interacting with the local community gave me insight into the project's impact. It was an eye-opening experience, highlighting the trade-offs of ambitious development. Overall, my visit to the Three Gorges Dam was enlightening, leaving me with a profound appreciation for human ingenuity, while emphasizing the importance of responsible and sustainable development.

The visit to the Great Wall was immense, following the climb to the top of the stairs waited the wall. A monstrous structure which was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The Great Wall not only symbolized a physical barrier but also represented the resilience and determination of a civilization that stood the test of time. It was an encounter that instilled in me a deep appreciation for the ingenuity and legacy of mankind. The climb to the top was incredible and the trek along the wall was quite cinematic with the lashing rain and fierce winds.

Learning about a different culture

During my visit to China, I observed several cultural similarities and differences between it and my home. One notable similarity was the deep-rooted sense of community and pride in their respective cultural heritage. Both Northern Ireland and China possess a rich history and traditions that are cherished by their inhabitants. However, there were also distinct differences that I noticed.

For instance, Northern Ireland's culture is heavily influenced by its close association with the United Kingdom and Ireland, whereas China's culture is characterized by its vastness and diversity, encompassing numerous ethnic groups and customs. Furthermore, the emphasis on collectivism and family values seemed more pronounced in China, whereas Northern Ireland exhibited a stronger individualistic streak.

I believe that the culture around food is extremely different from manners at the table, to the utensils used for eating. Even the food in China seemed to be never ending in variety, compared to home where we often look to other countries culinary ventures for inspiration. Overall, these cultural nuances provided fascinating insights into the unique identities of Northern Ireland and China.

Challenges and how to deal with them

I encountered several challenges that required adaptability and perseverance to overcome. Firstly, the language barrier posed a significant obstacle in my day-to-day interactions. To overcome this, I was in Mandarin language classes and immersed myself in the local culture, actively practicing my language skills with native speakers.

Secondly, cultural differences presented a challenge in understanding societal norms and customs. By being open-minded and respectful, I actively sought guidance from locals and observed their behaviour to better adapt. Overall, with determination and a willingness to learn, I successfully navigated these challenges during my stay in China.

Making friends while abroad

I found it relatively easy to meet new people and make friends while in China. The cultural diversity and the openness of the locals made it a welcoming experience. I embraced the opportunity to learn about their traditions and language, which helped bridge any initial communication barriers. Additionally, I actively participated in events, joined conversations, and took part in language exchange which provided numerous opportunities to meet like-minded individuals.

The Chinese people I encountered were friendly, hospitable, and eager to connect with foreigners. Overall, my time in China allowed me to form meaningful friendships and create lasting memories with people from different backgrounds.

Traveling and sightseeing

Other than The Great Wall and Three Gorges Dam we also went to a variety of locations of historical and modern relevance. We spent multiple days in Hubei Normal University, learning Mandarin Chinese, calligraphy and martial arts. Taking a bullet train we advanced upon Wuhan, a wonderful metropolis with interesting history. We attended the Hubei Provincial Museum with its major exhibits on instruments and weaponry. Again in Wuhan we explored a Buddhist temple with stories from our guide.

After another bullet train to Beijing and a night of sleep the major tourism based leg of our journey had commenced. We first attended Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, and Jingshan park.

The sites were immense and spectacular with a variety of architectural styles and teeming with historical significance. We visited Hutong, a traditional peoples residence in Beijing which seemed to be more relaxed of a atmosphere with traditional buildings.


As someone who has experienced studying abroad, I would say seize the opportunity without hesitation. Embrace the unknown and immerse yourself in a different culture, for it is in these moments of exploration that you truly discover yourself.

Be open-minded, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace the challenges that come your way. Engage with locals, make friends from diverse backgrounds, and treasure every experience as a valuable lesson.

Remember, studying abroad is not just about academics; it's a transformative journey that will broaden your horizons and shape your perspective for a lifetime. So, take the leap, embrace the adventure, and let the world become your classroom.