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Bullying and Harassment (Dignity at Work) Policy and Procedures

The University does not condone any form of bullying or harassment.

This is outlined in its Bullying and Harassment (Dignity at Work) Policy and Procedures.

All staff and students are expected to comply with the policy, and to assist in the promotion of an environment where every employee and student is treated with respect and dignity.

The procedures are in place to protect both the person being bullied/harassed and the alleged bully.

Strict confidentiality will be maintained throughout and any complaints regarding a breach of confidentiality should be reported to the Director of People and Culture.

What is bullying or harassment?

Any unwelcome physical, verbal, visual or written conduct which causes the recipient to feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable.

The difference between bullying and harassment is that bullying is not related to equality grounds.  It takes place for reasons such as jealousy, personal dislike, revenge or insecurity.

Not all cases of bullying and harassment are as obvious as physical displays of violence.

If you relate to any of the following you may have been subjected to bullying or harassment and wish to seek support.

  • Being denied access to information that is required to complete your work.
  • Being subjected to persistent criticism.
  • Being isolated or "frozen out" by colleagues/fellow students.