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Sustained Educational Excellence



Paul Kitchin has worked in Higher Education since 1999. He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and employed as a senior lecturer in sport management at Ulster University, and is currently Head of the School of Sport. Paul's teaching is unashamedly political but pragmatically, and his assessment methods are industry-focused that seek to develop capacity in the community and enhance future opportunities for our graduates.

As such, Paul's learning and teaching focus rests in two areas; the first is the development of student and employer engagement through sport business initiatives. Insufficient organisational capacity limits the development of many voluntary sport clubs while at the same time students studying sport business seek industry experience that is hard to obtain. By designing learning experiences at the point where these two needs merge, mutual benefits result. The second is prioritising support for diverse learning experiences in HE, by providing learning support for mature, international and/or elite athlete students as they engage with their learning.